Study of shape information error concealment using global motion compensation technology 全局运动补偿技术在形状信息错误隐藏中研究
For the first time, though, global financial leaders, recognising that change is necessary, came together to develop compensation principles. 不过,全球的金融领袖第一次认识到必须改变,并且聚集到一起研究薪酬制度。
According to the comprehensive view of global financial risk management, to build and perfect the compensation mechanism becomes the main trend in financial risk management. 摘要综观全球金融风险的管理创新,建立和完善风险的补偿机制,已经成为风险管理发展的重要趋势。
These include: mitigating against pro-cyclicality in regulatory policy; reviewing global accounting standards; strengthening derivatives markets; reviewing compensation practices in financial institutions; and reviewing the mandates, governance and resource requirements of international financial institutions. 这些目标包括:减缓监管政策的周期性趋势;审议全球会计标准;加强衍生品市场;审议金融机构薪酬;审议国际金融机构的职能、治理以及资源要求。
Mr Shinohara's comments come amid a mounting global backlash against banker compensation, with public anger at the prospect of huge bonuses at US and British banks. Shinohara发表此番言论之际,适逢各国社会对银行家薪酬产生反弹,尤其是美国和英国公众对银行家有望获得巨额奖金表示愤怒。
Then the global motion compensation is performed on the accumulated MV field, while the fast statistical region growing algorithm is exploited to segment it into different motion-homogenous regions. 然后对累积运动矢量场进行全局运动补偿,同时利用快速的统计区域生长算法按照运动相似性将其分割成多个区域;
A Robust Global Motion Estimation and Compensation Technique 一种图像全局运动鲁棒估计与补偿技术
A Fast Global Motion Compensation Coding Method 一种快速全局运动补偿编码方法
Making analysis on the ITU-Recommendation H.263. Designing and implementing the H.263 video coding based on global motion compensation. 263,设计并实现了基于全局运动补偿编码的H.263编码器。
The global motion estimation for compensation technology is introduced, and a new method of global motion estimation for compensation is brought forward, which combines the local areas method with the statistic method, the accuracy of global motion estimation is enhanced. 介绍了全局运动估计与补偿技术,并提出基于局部点和统计方法相结合的全局运动估计方法,提高了全局运动估计的准确性。
The research of the dissertation involves global motion estimation and compensation, image stabilization, occlusion detection and tracking, trajectory prediction, moving target location, region extraction, moving target detection and tracking. 本论文主要对全局运动估计和补偿、图像序列稳定、遮挡问题处理、轨迹预测、运动目标区域提取、目标检测和跟踪等进行了研究,并且获得了一些有意义的成果。
This paper focuses some research on key problems of global motion compensation coding to solve real-time global motion compensation coding. 本文就针对全局运动补偿编码中核心技术进行研究,提出快速全局运动补偿编码算法,解决全局运动补偿实时编码问题。
Forth, to extract the semantic object from the spatial segmentation, we applied a temporal segmentation based on the global motion compensation, statistical model-based change detection and post processing technology to get the motion mask. 第四章是对运动信息检测技术的介绍及实验结果讨论,这章涉及到时域上的运动掩码检测方案,全局运动补偿,基于概率模型的运动检测以及后处理。
Video shot with a hand held digital camera may have jitter caused by the holder's motions. This paper presents an algorithm to stabilize the jitter in videos which includes three modules: global motion estimates, motion filters, and motion compensation. 数码相机拍摄的视频往往带有因为拍摄人手的不稳定而引入的抖动,因此该文给出了一个视频抖动矫正方案,包括全局运动估计、运动的抖动分量滤除、抖动补偿3个模块。
A global sliding model variable structure control scheme based on artificial neuron compensation for a direct drive AC permanent magnet linear servo system are presented in this paper. 针对直接驱动的交流永磁直线伺服系统,提出一种基于神经元补偿控制的全程滑模变结构控制策略。
Global motion compensation coding is a novel coding method based on models. Its coding efficiency is higher than that of conventional coding method with motion compensation, and so is the coded images 'quality. 全局运动补偿编码是一种基于模型的编码方法,它可以提高编码效率,改善编码图像的质量。
The foundation of global motion compensation is global motion estimation. 全局运动补偿是建立在全局运动估计基础上的,本文对现有的全局运动估计算法进行研究,提出了改进算法,并在H。
Learners with global learning style preference liked metacognitive, cognitive and compensation strategies. 整体型风格学习者善于使用元认知、认知和补偿策略。
The key technologies of electronic image stabilization are global motion estimation and motion compensation. 电子稳像的关键技术是全局运动估计和运动补偿。
Limitations of such compensation is considered, starting from the general characteristics of the load global compensation effect is difficult to do everything. 这种补偿方式的局限性在于,不能从负荷全局的总体特性出发考虑,补偿效果很难做到一应俱全。
Then, through light flow calculation and global motion estimation and compensation, real information about the movement of the object could be concluded. 然后,通过光流场计算和全局运动估计与补偿,得到物体真实运动信息。
Improvements can be made from the following aspects: establishing the international investment legal system, improving the global damage compensation liability mechanism, promoting industrial upgrading in developing countries, setting up the system of environmental impact assessment, strengthening the international cooperation. 建议从以下几方面入手:构建国际投资立法体系,完善全球损害赔偿责任机制,加快推动发展中国家产业升级,建立全球性环境影响评价制度,加大国际合作力度。
The final information to be encoded and transmitted only includes parameters of global motion model and data of local compensation blocks. 最终仅需对全局运动参数和局部补偿块数据进行编码传输,大大减少了编码数据量。
Background is compensated using global compensation parameters which are gotten from real-time image and background image by template matching. 3通过对实时图像与背景图像进行模板匹配的方法得到的全局补偿参数对背景进行补偿。
The paper was adopted global motion estimation and compensation. We made 6 affine motion to motion models and global motion parameters were achieved by over-relaxation iteration. 本文采用背景运动估计和补偿技术,以6参数仿射模型为运动模型,通过超松弛迭代获得仿射模型参数,取得了较准确的运动估计结果。
In order to improve the accuracy of global estimation and compensation, it is necessary to eliminate points with local motion. 为了提高全局运动估计和补偿的精度,本文根据特征点运动矢量特性,提出了一种改进的自适应去除局部运动的方法。
After the global financial crisis in 2008, the excessive high executive compensation represented by financial institutions raises strong social dissatisfaction. 2008年全球金融危机爆发,以金融机构为代表的高管薪酬过高引起社会的强烈不满。
For the video sequence with motion background, the global motion estimation and compensation is used, the background is constructed by the median of a group of compensated video frames. 对于具有动态背景的视频序列,利用全局运动估计和补偿技术对摄像机的运动进行补偿,对补偿后的视频序列基于求多帧中值的方法得到每帧的背景。
Considering the difficulty of dynamic context pedestrian detection technology, this paper used a method that combined the global motion compensation and HOG& SVM pedestrian detector together. 通过对动态背景下行人检测技术的难点考虑,本文采用一种全局运动背景补偿与HOG&SVM相结合的行人检测方法。
The global linear compensation was introduced in the pH process with the inverse function of the static nonlinear function in the Wiener model to avoid the problem of nonlinear rolling optimization in PFC, and the computational complexity of the controller was further reduced. 用Wiener模型中的静态非线性函数的逆函数对pH值过程进行全局线性化补偿,避免了预测函数控制中非线性滚动优化的问题,降低控制算法的复杂度。